Rowdy Bobblehead

Laura went to the SEMO gymnastics meet this evening to get one of the Rowdy Bobblehead dolls. Rowdy is the SEMO mascot, and he is turning 20 this year. To celebrate, SEMO is giving away Rowdy Bobbleheads for the different sports. So far, Laura has collected the one for football and the one for gymnastics. She should get the one for basketball tomorrow.

When Approval Goes All Wrong

I realized this morning that two of my employees had a miscommunication regarding an approval I gave to purchase materials. The miscommunication led to a $60,000 mistake that I am ultimately responsible for as director. I spent the day working to fix the error. Most of the time, I really love my job, but it is days like today that just really suck.

Winter Court of Honor

The Troop 706 Winter Court of Honor was this evening. John earned service hour beads, the Personal Fitness merit badge, and the Life rank.

The Life rank is the last rank before Eagle. While John is not sure that he will work towards Eagle, he does seem more motivated to finish the required merit badges. He still has nearly 18 months to finish should he choose to do it.

Congratulations to John and the other members of his patrol! It is so hard to believe that these boys are now the “older scouts.”