Sometimes, you break out the good wine to share.

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
Sometimes, you break out the good wine to share.
Apparently, Jim finds gymnastics fascinating.
John went to baseball practice with a potential new team tonight since his summer team did not have enough players. I have not watched him play since last summer, so I was quite a bit surprised to see him in the batting cage tonight. Somewhere between July and now, a kid with real power and finesse emerged. Don’t blink, people. They change way too fast. I find myself wondering how he went from that cute, chubby seven-year-old who was so excited to play coach pitch baseball for the first time to the player I saw tonight. Time is a thief.
This is February in our 2025 family calendar.
This is how you shop when I am in Columbia and Laura is in Cape Girardeau…
It was Scout Sunday to church today. I always enjoy this particular service as Troop 706 Scouts act as assisting ministers. This is just one of many ways that the troop acts in service to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, which has been their charter organization for over 50 years.