Scenes from BSA Camp

It is the last day of camp, and John spent part of the day splitting firewood.

He also participated in the shooting competition. He did not win, but he had a great target grouping.

It has been a great week at camp, and John loved the jet ski class. It will be good to have the Kassel men home tomorrow.

Family Night

Laura and I went to Camp Hohn to visit Andy and John for Family Night.

After a potluck dinner, we attended the evening flag ceremony.

As part of the closing, Laura participated in the Order of the Arrow ceremony.

It was a late night for Laura and me, but it was great to see Andy and John!

What July 4th Looks Like at BSA Camp

This is what July 4th looks like at BSA camp. The Troop 706 Flag hangs at their campsite.

Wildlife wanders through camp.

John gets to enjoy jet skis…

…and, he gets to hang out with his buddies.

Andy and John wrapped up the evening swimming and then watching fireworks on the deck of the Invention Lab.

I think it was an okay way to spend July 4th.

Homemade Ice Cream

It is homemade ice cream week in the Kassel Castle! Laura’s favorite is Mint Chocolate Chip, and it is now in the freezer.

Tomorrow, I will make Coffee Ice Cream for me, and Blueberry Ice Cream for Andy. That will be followed by Oreo Cookie Ice Cream for John. If I have time, I will also make some Vanilla Ice Cream. We will be eating some tasty ice cream soon!

Senior Pictures

I purchased three of Laura’s Senior Pictures today. This is the drape picture that will be used in the yearbook.

This is the cap and gown picture.

And, this is the “silly” cap and gown picture.

I love all three of them, but I still cannot believe that she is old enough for this.