It was uniform fitting time for Hickman High School Marching Band. Laura’s old uniform fit perfectly, but John needed new pants. Marching band camp starts on Monday!

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
It was uniform fitting time for Hickman High School Marching Band. Laura’s old uniform fit perfectly, but John needed new pants. Marching band camp starts on Monday!
After a short stop at Portillo’s in Indianapolis to meet my old Director for lunch, we headed for home. We arrived safely about 7 pm, and we spent the rest of the evening unpacking and relaxing. It was a great vacation, and I am so glad that we finally took the kids to the beach.
We took Laura for a college visit at Purdue University today.
She loved it! I think we have a future Boilermaker in the Kassel Family.
Chase those dreams, Kid! Now, it is time to begin the application process.
We visited a couple of the Indiana sand dunes today.
We took short hikes to the sand dunes and then eventually picked a beach for the afternoon.
We spent the afternoon enjoying the beach. Laura requested that I take a few pictures of her, and this is my favorite.
It was a great afternoon, and we were all sad to leave. We spent the evening enjoying dinner at the Airbnb and time by the fire pit.
We leave Michigan City tomorrow, but we will definitely be back. It was such a great time!
We spent the morning at the Washington Park Zoo, which mostly consists of animals that have been rescued. It was pretty impressive for a small zoo, and we enjoyed seeing all the different animals.
After lunch, we spent the afternoon at the beach. I am a mountains girl, so that is probably why we have never taken the kids to the beach for vacation. Watching both of them, but especially John, was so much fun. I think the kids have “beach” in their blood.
While I took a lot of pictures, Andy and the kids spent the afternoon riding the waves.
It was sad to leave the beach about 5 pm, but we have tomorrow as well. After quick showers back at the Airbnb, Andy and I headed out to Shady Creek Winery to taste some wine and relax.
Andy and I spent the rest of the evening enjoying dinner with the kids and hanging out on the veranda with a glass of wine. It was the truly perfect day.
We left for Michigan City, Indiana, today for a short getaway.
We rented an Airbnb that is named Silverhawk Farm. It is newly renovated and perfect for our stay.
The house is beautiful, but I am most excited about the farm fresh eggs that were provided by the host.
For dinner, we visited Shoreline Brewery. Andy and I shared a beer flight.
Then, we headed to the local beach to see Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful night!
We wrapped up the evening playing Uno. It is off to the Washington Park Zoo and beach tomorrow!
Happy Golden Birthday to the kid who made our family whole!
John may look just like his Dad, but he is really a pretty cool mix of both of us.
Happy 15th Birthday, John! We love you to the moon and back!