Official Pictures

Andy’s pictures from Copper Triangle became available today by the photography company. This is Andy during roll out.

This is Andy beginning the Vail Pass descent. This is the only time that it rained.

This is right before he crossed the finish line.

I love the pictures!

While We Were Gone

If anyone is wondering what our teenagers were busy doing while we were gone, they spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at Marching Band camp until about 9 pm each night.

Then, they helped build a helicopter flight trainer for EMS Education at the University of Missouri on Saturday.

While they were there, they got to see MU Air Medical Services land the helicopter and meet the flight crew.

They spent Sunday relaxing during the day and going to a birthday party in the evening. They slept in on Monday and did laundry. They even worked together to make dinner on the nights that they were home and they cleaned up the kitchen. We are lucky parents.

Last Day

Since it is our last day in Colorado, I took one last walk around the resort.

Andy took one last bike ride.

After packing what we could, we spent the rest of the day enjoying the resort. We took one last trip to Downhill Duke’s for drinks and enjoyed the mountain views.

We finished the evening at Sawmill Pizza and Tavern for dinner.

Now, it is time for bed. We have a long drive tomorrow.

Copper Triangle

Today is the day! Andy and Jeff rolled out for three mountain passes and 80 miles through scenic Colorado at about 7:30 am.

I tracked Andy’s progress as he rode and enjoyed the pictures he took.

He finished right about 3 pm. Jeff and I were both at the finish line cheering him on!

I am so damn proud of you, Andy! You could not ride Copper Triangle last year because of a bulging disc, and you still are not back in what you would refer to as, “riding shape.” You registered anyway. You did the best training that you could, and you rode anyway.

You finished! Your back was tired, and your right knee hurt, but you finished. You did it! You have accomplished a lot on a bike, but watching you cross the finish line this year was the ultimate. Congrats, Husband. You are simply amazing.