John and I joined Andy at Cooper’s Landing tonight. It was a beautiful night for a ride! It is too bad that the typical Missouri heat arrives again tomorrow…

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
John and I joined Andy at Cooper’s Landing tonight. It was a beautiful night for a ride! It is too bad that the typical Missouri heat arrives again tomorrow…
And, somehow, here we are. My oldest had her last schedule pick up night. Senior year is really starting and I am in complete disbelief… It is the beginning of what will be a lot of lasts. The days are long, but the years are simply too short.
To Laura –
How did we get here? It seems like just yesterday that I was holding you in my arms for the first time and wondering where your red hair came from. Then, I walked with you into Kindergarten, and your school adventures began. Elementary school flew by, and middle school soon took hold. Then, COVID happened and you started high school.
And, that brings us to today. You are a Senior. There are so many things that I want to tell you, but nothing seems right. I could tell you to work hard, but you already do that. I could tell you to have fun, but you already do that. I could tell you to fly high, but you already do that. Instead, I will tell you what I know now that I didn’t know when I started my Senior year.
First, it goes so fast. Before you know it, Marching Band will be over, and winter will be here. Then, you will pick your college and graduation will be here. It is nine months, but time goes fast. Take a breath, sit back, and enjoy it.
Hang out with your family. I know that family isn’t always cool, but that brother of yours loves you. He looks up to you and he defends you. Yes, he’s annoying at times, but remember that he was your first friend. As for your Dad and me, you made us parents. You were our world. I know that you and I are different, and I know I annoy you. I know I am often too hard on you. I also know that you are definitely your Daddy’s girl. That doesn’t change the fact that you are *my* girl.
You have decisions to make. I know you are only 17, but this is the start of a lot of really hard decisions. You are going to make some good decisions. You are going to make some mediocre decisions. You are going to make some bad decisions. Reflect on every one of them because each decision teaches you something.
Pick a few, really great friends. Annabelle has been your other half since you started kindergarten. You met her on the playground, and you two have not stopped. Different schools, boys, and life never seem to matter. Keep Annabelle and find a few more like her.
Be you. I know that I cut you off when you turn on “Laura mode” and you talk so fast that I can’t understand you. I get frustrated, but I should never cut you off. That is who you are, and who you are is beautiful. Be you. Every day.
Lastly, don’t be afraid to change your mind, but also don’t be afraid to take chances. I changed my major in college – twice. I changed boyfriends a lot. I even had doubts about your dad. It is okay to doubt yourself, but when you make a decision, embrace it. If the choice you made doesn’t work out, it is okay. It may hurt, but there is always the next day.
I love you, Red. Fly high. Let your Senior year begin.
Love, Mom
It was supposed to be homemade ice cream night, and then my ice cream maker died. Oh well… The new ice cream maker will be ordered tomorrow.
Amazon sells some cool stuff.
I bought four of these spice jar lids. Now, I can put the large spice canisters in the basement and keep these smaller jars in the spice cabinet.
It love it when I can reclaim a little bit of space in my kitchen cabinets!
This is becoming a regular occurrence in the Kassel household. The kids get up and then plan at least a small part of their day by where they need to go in our subdivision to capture Pokémon. I guess they are at least getting some exercise…
Who thought it was a good idea for me to go shopping at Michaels and Hobby Lobby for holiday decorations? Oh yes! It was me. I spent two hours just wandering the fall, Halloween, and Christmas decoration aisles. At Michaels, I found these doll heads, arms, and legs. I immediately thought that they would look good in the back of our decorative truck during Halloween season. I did not buy them, but I think one package of each will be sufficient when I return to Michaels in September…
Then, I wandered over to Hobby Lobby. I found the few things on my list, but I also stumbled across these “chickens.”
A few years ago, I bought some patriotic chicken decorations for the Fourth of July. I got teased so much by Andy and Laura that I made sure to buy some sort of bird decoration for every holiday. Now, these birds are always referred to as “chickens”, and I have been buying Laura chicken decorations for her room as a joke. So, while this was not on my list, one of them ended up in my cart, so she could have a fall chicken! I followed that up with finding this Christmas tree.
It is ugly. No one wants a tree covered in Grinch fur. However, I took a picture of it and sent it to a friend who gets my love of all things Grinch. My guess is that this or the Grinch fur table runner will end up in my house this year.
No one should let me go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby by myself. I find all the bizarre stuff that you really should not buy, but eventually seems to find its way to our house…