Dining Room

I always wished that we had a dining room in our old house. I wanted to be able to have family dinners in the dining room every week and also have plenty of space for holidays. For whatever reason, we barely used our dining room when we first moved to the new Kassel Castle. At some point, I finally told Andy that I wanted to begin having Sunday night dinners in the actual dining room, and the tradition began.

The table looks different from week to week, though we have been fancier lately. We eat quickly some weeks, but we are full of conversation and lots of laughter other weeks. The food is fantastic some weeks, and not so great other weeks. I will take it all. My biggest hope is that the kids look back someday and want a dining room too. It is memories that last a lifetime.


It is finally time to put out all the new decorations for Fall in the basement. We decided last year that we would begin decorating the basement, so I have been slowly buying decorations this past summer. It is time to find out if I thought of everything or if I need to buy a few more things.