Rolling Cheer Squad
While the rest of us slept, Andy left at 5:15 am to participate in the Heart of America Marathon Rolling Cheer Squad. It is a group of cyclists who follow the marathon route and cheer on the runners. He has been doing this for a few years now, and he always has a great time.

Eagle Project
Laura’s Eagle Scout project has begun! Today, the group is dismantling the inside of the ambulance to move it inside. Building will be next.

Afternoon Off
Sometimes, you take an afternoon off with no notice to recharge. It is time to spend some time with the husband, refill the cup, and forget about everything else.

When Squirt is $3.50 for a 12-pack if you buy 4, you load up the cabinet. Then, you make the decision to go back the next day and buy 4 more…

You Are Never Too Old
You are never too old to stop and take a picture with the Weinermobile.