College Acceptance

Laura got another college acceptance letter today from Wichita State University.

She has also been accepted to Southeast Missouri State University…

…and the University of Missouri.

We are just waiting on Purdue and Colorado State.

I have to say though… Wichita State wins the award for the best notification letter. It is simply awesome. The rest of these universities need to step up their game!

Congrats, Kiddo! Your Dad and I are so proud of you!

Heading Home

We stopped at Robbler Vineyards in New Haven on our way home. This is our favorite Missouri winery. We enjoyed a great bottle of wine and a snack lunch.

We stopped at a couple of other places in Hermann and then went home. We arrived back in Columbia just in time to pick up Laura from school. It is time to unpack and get back to normal life.

Ste. Genevieve

We explored more of Ste. Genevieve today. There is so much history here! So many buildings date to the 1700s.

After lunch, we went to Charleville Brewery and Winery. It was a beautiful place to spend a gorgeous afternoon.

We wrapped up the evening with dinner at the Anvil Saloon and Restaurant and then a bottle of wine at our house.

It was a great day spending time with my love.

Ste. Genevieve

Andy and I left today for Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary. We are staying in “The Little Brick House”. The house was built in 1865 and is quite charming.

We started the day at Cave Vineyards. They had some good, dry wines, and we got to enjoy our bottle of wine in their cave.

It was such a neat experience, and there was even a bat sleeping in the cave.

We wrapped up the evening with dinner at the Hotel Audobon.

It was a great way to start our short getaway.


I finished reorganizing the decorations closet. All the decorations and throw pillows have been transferred from a variety of different-sized boxes to the same type of plastic tub or storage bag. Everything is also labeled. There is even extra space as I was able to reduce the number of boxes. I love organization!