Laura said that she wants a pair of socks with Jim’s face on them for Christmas. This picture should work!

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
Laura said that she wants a pair of socks with Jim’s face on them for Christmas. This picture should work!
The Christmas wreaths that the kids’ Scout troops sell came in today. I decided to order a new item because I thought it looked cute. Well, it is about the cutest thing ever, and it can be kept. I love this festive snowman!
It is officially my favorite time of the year! All the decorations are in their places. We made the newest member of the Kassel Family wear an elf hat (for long enough to take a picture). The Christmas trees are trimmed!
Laura did argue with me a bit because she thought that I would not be able to fit all our regular ornaments on the tree along with some new, unbreakable ornaments that I made. These were placed at a strategically low level for Jim. For the record, I won. I found spaces for all those ornaments and some others too.
Merry Christmas Season!
The main Christmas tree is up. It only took about 90 minutes this time. The kids and I will finish decorating the tree tomorrow!
Family left this morning. The house has been straightened up. All the bedding is washing. My new office space is set up in our guest bedroom.
The fall decorations are mostly packed away because I need to buy one more storage bin.
I guess it is time for the Christmas decorations to start going up!