I am so proud of this kid. Eagle Scout projects take a lot of work, but they are not usually quite this large. Laura did not back down when presented with the opportunity to lead the building of an ambulance trainer for the University of Missouri’s EMS Education though. She just stepped up and got to work. Today, everything came together, and it looks like a real ambulance instead of just piles of wood! There is still a little bit of work to do, but the hard building is largely done. With just one more short workday, her Eagle project will be complete!
Thanks to everyone who has supported Laura on her Eagle journey this far. This all would not have been possible without help from some really great people. A big thank you to both the Scout leaders and Scouts from Troops 523 and 706, Pigg Construction Company, and Boone County Lumber for your donations of time and construction materials.
To Laura – I know that you have six merit badges to complete in order to meet all the Eagle requirements. I also know that it is your Senior year, and time is hard to come by. Just keep telling yourself that you got this. When you decided to join BSA and become a founding member of Troop 523, I asked you if you really, really wanted to do that. You looked at me and said, “I’m going to be an Eagle Scout, Mom. So, yes.” Well, you are almost there. The end is in sight.