Andy is finishing up the turkey stock canning tonight. We will have a total of 26 quarts. I see lots of turkey soups in our future!

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
Andy is finishing up the turkey stock canning tonight. We will have a total of 26 quarts. I see lots of turkey soups in our future!
Yes, Jim, there is 10 pounds of bacon on the counter. No, you may not have it. You get points for trying though!
If only the sliding glass door would magically open…
The three Hickman High School Jazz Bands performed at MU Jazz Fest today.
Laura and John play in the Gold Jazz Lab band. We had not yet heard them play this year, and they did such a great job!
While all the Hickman bands received the highest ratings, I was most excited to watch Laura play my Dad’s tenor saxophone. Three generations have now played that instrument.