Don’t mess with Laura. She knows how to throw axes now! She was especially good with Ninja Stars. Look out, people…

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
Don’t mess with Laura. She knows how to throw axes now! She was especially good with Ninja Stars. Look out, people…
I heard scratching while working today and turned around to see the corner of the bedding messed up.
I giggled as I watched the bedding move. That goofy cat…
Laura made peach cobbler tonight in the dutch oven.
Unfortunately, it was a little too cold to fully bake it using charcoal, so she finished it in the oven. It sure was tasty no matter how it was finished!
My co-worker decided that it was more important to sit in the window and watch the yard television. It is so hard to find good help these days…
Food Prep February is all but complete. The only thing left on my list is to purchase 3-5 Beef Chuck Roasts for freezing. Those have yet to go on sale, so I will just get them next time they do go on sale.
As for the freezer, I had to move all the bread products to the extra refrigerator’s freezer to make room in the stand-up freezer!
It was a busy month of food preparation, but we are set for quite a while. I even managed to add four different kinds of homemade ice cream throughout the month, and Andy added in 26 quarts of turkey stock.
The freezer is officially full! Now, we need to start employing the, “use one, replace one” method…
Laura and I took a short trip to Centralia today to visit Battlefield Lavender.
Laura’s first stop was to feed the chickens. We got a good laugh at how they all ran right to her.
Then, we visited the store. We bought some soaps and got John some more hot chocolate.
While it was only a couple of hours, it was great to spend some time with my girl. Sometimes, I forget just how dry her sense of humor can be. There were some good laughs in that short time!
We went to the University of Central Missouri to watch Laura in their Jazz festival today.
Unfortunately, John was not feeling well, so we had to leave him at home. It was still a fun day watching all of the Hickman Jazz Ensembles earn “1” ratings. Great job to all the musicians!