This cat is weird. He is very interested in the seeds from the acorn squash…

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
This cat is weird. He is very interested in the seeds from the acorn squash…
I love decorating our dining room for different holidays.
I especially love these new napkin rings that I found at Hobby Lobby for $1 a piece.
This is what teenagers do when they are bored at band contest. As Laura described it, “Shenanigans were had.”
They did actually compete too. All four bands that performed received “Exemplary” ratings!
We attended the Hickman High School Spring Band Concert tonight.
We sat in the first row for a bit of a different perspective. It worked out well because we actually had great views of both kids.
All the bands were great, but the Wind Ensemble was fantastic! Our kids are so lucky to be part of this band program.
It is time for one of my favorite family traditions of the year – Flat Branch Pub & Brewing for Corned Beef and Cabbage!
As always, the food did not disappoint. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
We spent the day at Eastern Illinois University watching Avry play some softball. It is hard to believe that she graduates college in just about 6 weeks.
It was great to see family and watch some great play from one of our favorites. Enjoy the rest of your Senior season, Kid! We love you lots and lots!