So Proud

One of the other Scout moms, Kris Roberson, took pictures during Laura’s Eagle Court of Honor.

Obviously, Andy and I are so proud of her, but it shows even more in one of the pictures as we are both crying.

Laura has already achieved a lot in her life, but there is just something extra about this particular one. If you are around Scouting long enough, you know that it is much easier to reach the rank of Eagle before your high school years take over. Yet, she did it anyway.

Congrats again on the culmination of your three-year journey, Red. I love you to the moon and back and then some.

Back to the Bike – Day 9

I have been trying to get back to riding my bike consistently, so I decided to ride ten days in a row for ten miles a day. Andy joined me for my morning ride today, and we rode to the Big Tree.

It was a beautiful morning for a ride. One of the best parts was getting to see the eagles that live in trees above the MKT trail. This morning, the baby was sitting on a fence post with one of the parents close by. They are such beautiful birds.

Day 9 of my ten-day challenge is complete!

Gooseberry Pie

Andy loves gooseberry pie. Today, I found canned gooseberries while looking in the canned fruit section at Moser’s. I was not actually looking for gooseberries, but there they were on the top shelf. I grabbed two cans and decided to surprise Andy with a pie.

He tried the pie tonight after he got home from his committee meeting. It was definitely two thumbs up! It looks like I need to go back to Moser’s to buy more cans for future pies…


Chapman Heating and Cooling was here at 7:50 am for install of the new, high-efficiency HVAC system.

They finished about 2 pm.

As part of the install, they added an air return in our basement and rerouted the flue. Also, they mounted the compressor on the foundation wall.

Now, we get to see what sort of difference the new system makes on our electric bill.


Over Memorial Day weekend, our air conditioner stopped working. Fortunately, it was mostly just really humid, so it was not a huge deal to not have it working. As it turns out, the fan motor was out, and that part could be replaced. However, our HVAC unit as a whole was 21 years old and original to our house. We discussed replacement of the unit versus fixing the fan motor.

After working with Chapman Heating and Cooling, the company that has been servicing our HVAC since we lived in our old house, we decided to go with replacement. We received a low-interest loan from the City of Columbia (1% interest over three years), and Chapman installed a temporary fan motor so we would have air conditioning until the day of install. Well, tomorrow is the day. Goodbye to our tired, inefficient HVAC. You did your job, but after 21 years, you need rest.