Andy took the kids to see the B-29 “Doc” Superfortress today at Columbia Regional Airport. This B-29 has been fully restored and is one of only two left that is airworthy. It was a neat experience, and all of them thoroughly enjoyed it.
Laser Tag
John played Laser Tag with Ari’s family today at Level Up. It was boys versus girls with the boys being victorious. While John was not the highest scorer, he was the most accurate, and he was highly amused at how many times he was able to shoot Ari’s mom. I told him, “John, it is never good to repeatedly shoot your girlfriend’s mother.” He smirked and said, “All’s fair in Laser Tag.” Boys!
Happy Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday to the one that made our family whole! I still cannot believe that you are not a Little anymore even though I still see the Little in you. Welcome to 16, John! We love you to the moon and back!
Happy 18th Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Laura! There are so many wonderful things about you that I cannot possibly list them all here (including that you willingly went to your brother’s baseball tournament despite it being your birthday weekend), but you are a pretty cool human. I cannot wait to see where you go from here. Welcome to 18, Red! We love you to the moon and back!
For the Love of the Game
He is loving the game again whether they win or lose.
Refrigerator Pickles
I am making homemade refrigerator pickles. They will be ready in about a week for us to enjoy.