New Decorations

I have a holiday/seasonal decoration problem. Well, it is an addiction really. The decoration closet is full, and yet I buy more. We have our “regular” decorations plus decorations for New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Spring, Americana, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Oddly enough, I always seem to find room in the storage bins that I currently have, so it is not really a problem that I continue to buy more decorations. Right? Right?!?

Today, I ventured to Hobby Lobby and finally bought the two-tiered tray that I have been considering for a year. I thought it would be the perfect addition to our dining room, and it now has a home on our cookbook shelf. The bottom tray holds stemless wine glasses, and the top tray is for the current seasonal decoration. I am almost giddy that I get to shop for Easter decorations for the top tray next!

Oh, I also bought a set of St. Patrick’s Day birds, affectionately known as “chickens” in the Kassel Castle. A girl can never have enough “chickens.”

Try Outs

John’s summer baseball team did not have enough players due to injuries, so he has tried out for a couple of other teams. This one is out of St. Louis. He liked the coaches, and he liked the players. He had an invite to join before we even made it home. I think this will be his final choice as everything seemed to fit his personality very well.