It was a beautiful night for a fire and a bottle of great wine.

Going Through Life One Post at a Time
It was a beautiful night for a fire and a bottle of great wine.
John earned the Life rank this evening! Stay tuned for updates… He is actually thinking pretty hard about working towards Eagle Scout.
We finished a great weekend watching Laura perform with the SEMO Marching Band at Bandpalooza.
It became clear to me this weekend that Laura is enjoying college life. She found her people in marching band, and she is doing well in her classes. She still needs us, but it is just different these days.
We are so proud of her! It is obvious that SEMO was the right choice.
It was such a fun day! We showed John and Ari some of the SEMO campus and visited the bookstore.
We watched Laura in Redhawk walk.
We visited the official tailgate area where Andy got his picture taken with Rowdy.
We watched pre-game followed by the football game. SEMO won, but WIU made it a good game!
We watched the final run of the halftime show.
The SEMO Marching Band is fun and highly entertaining. It was a great performance that we all enjoyed. We wrapped up with dinner at Burritoville and time at the hotel pool. It was the perfect Saturday.
The “fine Chinet” has arrived. It is two weeks to Thanksgiving!
I wanted to take a picture of John for my picture of the day. I asked him to smile, and he said, “No.”
I tried a second time, and he said no again. So, I told him that he would get no computer time tonight. I got his fake smile.
So, I told him that he was getting closer, but I needed a real smile.
I guess computer time wins the day!