
Laura’s best friends from high school are here for a sleepover tonight.

I love that they continue to hang out even though they are all in college now. As I went to bed, there was a whole lot of laughter coming from the basement. I love this group of kids (young adults)!

Replacement Ornaments

Last year, Jim was very interested in the dining room Christmas tree. The ornaments are the perfect size to be played with by a cat, and he definitely had fun with some of them. Years ago, when we moved into the new house and put up that tree for the first time, I found initial ornaments for all of us at Hobby Lobby. Unfortunately, I put Andy’s “A” ornament too close to the bottom. In Jim’s zeal to play with anything ball-shaped, he ended up breaking it. So, I found these to replace them. So far, Jim is uninterested in the dining room Christmas tree, so maybe these will be safe!

Christmas Gifts for My Work

I worked on Christmas gifts today for my local staff. I found this idea on Pinterest a while ago and decided to give it a try – Dip Mix Ornaments.

I bought the ornaments and ribbon that I used for hangers from Hobby Lobby. I made the recipe tags myself.

There were five dip mix options on the website, and I decided to make ranch dip mix and dill dip mix.

I love the way that they turned out, and the gifts are packaged and ready to be delivered.

I get to check another thing off my Christmas to-do list!