Admittedly, John has been a little forgotten these last few months. Having an older sibling in their Senior Year of high school and then going off to college is hard. John was a trooper and just went with it, but he was second and he knew it. He even told us that we should have been focused on Laura, but we still felt like we were neglecting him more than we should have.
Now, that Laura is settled at SEMO, it is time to bring John to the center and focus on him because he is just as important. So, we stopped by the end of marching band practice tonight to watch him. I know this, but I am still amazed every time I watch John. He is a fantastic marcher, and he looks great on the field. The Hickman High School Marching Band sounded great, and their show is not yet done. I cannot wait to see the rest of the show! The season begins on Friday!