Today was the culmination of Laura’s Scout journey – her Eagle Court of Honor.

When her journey began, she was uncertain. Was this the right step? She didn’t know. Then, so many great leaders stepped in and, before long, she was climbing the mountain.

There were many who supported her along the way. Matt Pigg – You saw the Eagle in her early on and you were diligent in your support. Amanda Fues – You are a great role model for her, and you have shown her how rewarding it can be to be a strong, female, adult leader. Mike Odette – You have continually challenged her and for that we are grateful. To the rest of the BSA Troop 523 and BSA Troop 706 leaders – We cannot say thank you enough.

I cried today because this was a long journey, and there were stumbles along the way. It takes dedication and hard work. When she was down, she picked herself up and kept going. To my amazing daughter, I love you to the moon and back. I am in awe of you. Words cannot express how proud I am. Congratulations, Red. You did it!