We spent the morning at the Washington Park Zoo, which mostly consists of animals that have been rescued. It was pretty impressive for a small zoo, and we enjoyed seeing all the different animals.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon at the beach. I am a mountains girl, so that is probably why we have never taken the kids to the beach for vacation. Watching both of them, but especially John, was so much fun. I think the kids have “beach” in their blood.

While I took a lot of pictures, Andy and the kids spent the afternoon riding the waves.

It was sad to leave the beach about 5 pm, but we have tomorrow as well. After quick showers back at the Airbnb, Andy and I headed out to Shady Creek Winery to taste some wine and relax.

Andy and I spent the rest of the evening enjoying dinner with the kids and hanging out on the veranda with a glass of wine. It was the truly perfect day.