Happy Thanksgiving!

My heart is full.

What a great day with family! We drank some great drinks. Mimosas, wine, beer, and Red Russians were all on the menu.

We ate some amazing food. This just might be Andy’s best turkey yet!

We had Jim carve the turkey because he used to do it every year before we started hosting Thanksgiving. It’s a throwback and he’s an expert. Plus, it gave Andy time to make the gravy, which is a staple.

We took pictures all day long.

We stuffed ourselves on Thanksgiving dinner and we napped hard afterwards while football played on the television.

I was exhausted at the end of the day, but it was worth every minute. Before I went to sleep, I gave thanks for everything that Andy and I have like the ability to share our house for a few days with his family all under one roof. There are not many more of these left. Our oldest niece is 25. The day is coming when everyone is scattered to enjoy Thanksgiving with their kids and grandchildren. Enjoy it all now.

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