Do We Tell Her?

Tonight, we told Laura that her Easter basket would not be full of the expensive things she is used to.  She had requested an Ozobot, which is a miniature robot.  Well, it has been an expensive month filled with some unexpected, expensive things so we wanted her to be aware that this would not happen.  Andy even said, “How about if we get that for your birthday instead of for your Easter basket?”  We all but said that we are the Easter Bunny.  To counteract the disappointment, I told her that since it would be her big “2-digit” birthday that the Ozobot would be perfect.  I left the room for a minute and came back to her handing me this…  Now, I *love* that she still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but I also wonder if we should tell her.  I suspect that Andy and I will be sitting her down for a discussion sometime soon, but not until after Easter…  Let her be a kid for a little bit longer…

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