Grand Praetor

About a year ago, Andy told me that he wanted to “eventually” run for the Sigma Chi Grand Praetor position for the Northern Missouri Province.  I asked him when he wanted to do this and he said, “Eventually, a few years from now when the kids are older.”  I think I caught him off-guard when I said, “Why not do it now?  You want the position.  You would be good at it and you know you have my support.”  He stared at me for about a minute before he said, “Are you sure?”  Well, of course, I was sure.  He’s been involved with Sigma Chi in some capacity or another since college and working with the four undergraduate chapters in the Northern Missouri province would be something he would very much enjoy.  So, he put out the word to the chapters that he would like to be nominated for the position.  As with most Grand Praetor elections, he ran uncontested and was elected at Grand Chapter.  I give you now, Andrew Kassel, Grand Praetor for the Northern Missouri Province.  Congratulations!

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