Dealey Plaza

We went to Dealey Plaza today.  Andy really wanted a picture standing on the Grassy Knoll.  All I can say is what a powerful experience and a piece of history that I’ll never forget.  I studied and studied and studied the entire assassination and the aftermath.  I’ve read more books than I can count on the subject, but it was never really “real” for me until I saw the two marks on the street.

As Andy said, “X marks the spot.”  When I saw that first X, I got goose bumps and suddenly I was seeing the whole event in my head.  I turned to the Grassy Knoll and saw where Abraham Zapruder was standing on that day.  The goose bumps increased and I was riveted to where I was standing.  The enormity of it all hit me.  That one short moment in time changed the path of the United States.  I began to wonder where our country would be today if John F. Kennedy had lived to complete his term as President.  How different would the national political scene be today?  Heavy subjects flashing through my mind.

We did go through The Sixth Floor Museum and saw the spot where Lee Harvey Oswald was sitting.  The entire experience was one of those “goose bump” moments.  I’m extremely glad we went.  It was a chance to experience a profound moment in America’s history.  If any of you are ever in Dallas, go.  You won’t be sorry.

1 thought on “Dealey Plaza

  1. Hi Erica! Andy and I went to Dallas before we got married, and also visited Dealey Plaza and the Sixth Floor museum… I had the EXACT same experience, complete with goose bumps and thoughts of what if?

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