Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day!  Today began with the kids letting Daddy sleep in a bit.  They helped me make coffee so that Daddy could have some when he woke up.  They also insisted on helping me make breakfast.  Laura selected Breakfast Burritos for this morning’s menu.  Next up was mowing the lawn.  I’m aware that it’s Father’s Day and he should have the day off, but we leave for Dallas on Wednesday and so mowing was necessary.  After mowing though, we ate lunch and then headed out for fishing at Finger Lakes!  Fishing was certainly an experience.  Laura did manage to catch her first fish ever within a minute of putting her line in the water.

The kids were quite short on listening skills though so after about 90 minutes, we packed up and headed home.  We spent the rest of the day eating and relaxing.  All in all, a great Father’s Day!

To my husband – I love watching you with our beautiful kids.  They both adore you and I always just smile at their reactions to you.  Here is to many, many more wonderful Father’s Days!  I love you!

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