
Today, Alia came to play with the kids for the day.  The kids had a great time and did a lot of different things.  They watched some television, rode bikes in the garage, played with every toy the kids have, wrestled, ran around the house, etc.  Alia even got to stay longer than normal because the Lowerys came over for dinner (Tortilla Salad = YUM!)  Thanks B and Rach for bringing Alia so the kids could have some friend time!

Two special things happened as well.  Laura left about 5:30 pm with Andrea and Kathryn to spend the night at Kathryn’s house.  Laura’s first sleepover away from our house!  It was strange just having John in the house last night.

With John being the only child after the Lowerys left about 8 pm, we played some Wii Bowling with him and then special thing #2 happened.  John got to see his first Fireflys (Lightning Bugs)!  He was so interested in them and was having a great time pointing them out.  A little bit of special time with John is something that we don’t get often and it made for a very special evening.

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