Memorial Day

The tradition on Memorial Day is to attend the Salute to Veterans Parade in downtown Columbia.  The airplanes from the weekend’s airshow fly over the parade route and, usually, the parachute teams jump into five different intersections downtown.  It was again to windy for the teams to jump, but the parade was fun anyway.  We met the Lowerys at the parade and the kids all watched the parade together.

After the parade, it was what would normally be a “typical Sunday” in the Kassel Household (excluding the fact that it was my birthday).  The highlight of the day for me was the following exchange with John.

  • Me:  John, it’s my birthday.  Can I have a Happy Birthday Hug?
  • John (shaking his head no):  I don’t see cake.  It’s not birthday.

Oh, to be 2 again…..

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